About Me

Hello! My name is Cristina Scagliotti, I was born in Alba on 26/12/1985, and now I live and work into the magic Turin, even though I love to escape as much as possible on my beloved mountains, amid noisy torrents and soft marmots!
My love for drawing originated in the books which tell stories about gnomes, animals, ogres and other mysterious creatures, such as the work of J.R.R.Tolkien, who took and take real shape in my mind demanding to be outlined on a sheet of paper.
I’m an illustrator that uses both traditional painting techniques (graphite, watercolor, pastel, acrylic, oil) and digital ones, like Photoshop; also working on surfaces such as wood and stone.
I attended the Art School, special courses in digital illustration and textile design and done much to self-study, love of the Pre-Raphaelite and artists like Brian Froud, Klimt, Esher, James Gurney, Justin Gerard and J.B.Monge!
I also studied and worked in the world of sport and research, my other passion, for some years. Then I chose to dedicate myself completely to the art, from the realization of the “L’Abbeveratoio del Drago”: itinerant shop and online store for selling my creations inspired by Nature, ancient pagan beliefs and the fantasy universe.
I worked on commission for private customers, shops and companies, like the publishing house Edizioni D’Arte Lo Scarabeo s.r.l., for which I have illustrated the deck of oracle cards “Earth Wisdom Oracle” and the deck of tarot cards “Universal Celtic Tarot” release in September 2019.